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tv   Fareed Zakaria GPS  CNN  August 14, 2016 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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this is gps, the global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria. today we'll ask what does the world think of america's frolicking presidential campaign. >> he's the founder of isis. >> donald trump is not qualified to be president and he is unfit to be commander in chief. >> i'll talk to people in south africa, to russia, israel to britain. then who are donald trump's voters in i'll talk to the author of a haunting memoir, who grew up in the coal mining
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region of appalachian, among the white, mostly working class people who are at the heart of trump's support. mpbls and one of the world's richest men is pouring his fortune not into putting his name on buildings and hospitals and colleges, but into ideas, ideas that will shape the 21st centu century. he will explain. and a novel use of drones that's taking off online, using them to safe lives instead of end them. but first, here's my take. in recent days, i have had a dream. that america has a real republican party. a party offering a serious, right of center alternative to the democrats. such a contest of ideas would improve the public debate and offer americans a real choice, not the cartoon campaign we have
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today. donald trump had the opportunity for a reset this week and managed to derail it with his talk of second amendment people, but forget the detour for a moment. trump's much heralded speech laying out his economic policies was an incoherent mish mash of popularism, hypocrisy and pandering. when did the republican party's intellectual decay begin? according to the conservative writer david frum in his book "dead right" it began in the reagan years. recall that ronald reagan had viciously attacked jimmy carter for racking up deficits and debt. in fact by the end of reagan's two terms, the national debt had tripled. you see, republicans came to recognize that whatever it might say, the american public in fact did not want cuts in government programs. since then most republican presidential candidates have promised the public huge tax
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cuts without any real spending restraint to pay for them. the result of course has been massive deficits. republican economic plans nowadays are simply not serious. in the primaries, the three main candidates of the party of fiscal discipline, marco rubio, ted cruz and donald trump presented plans that added $8 trillion, $10 trillion or $11 trillion in tax cuts over the next ten years. the tax plan largely adopted by trump now, has a 2 $.4 trillion hole in it. trump's plans are a replay of these dishonest tactics. he says he will cut taxes big
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league, but doesn't pay for them. he promises vaguely to cut regulati regulations, suggestinger ratically this week that he could cut them by 6.5%. so absurd that i don't think even he believes it. the republican party that formerly believed in fiscal responsibility and public policy. imagine it presented a serious plan is that rationalized america's unwieldy and corrupt tax code, simplified brackets, but paid for it by eliminating loop hopes, deductions and credits. imagine a republican party that focused less on tax cuts for the rich, but improved access to the market for the poor and mid class. for instance, a party that not proposings to eliminate obama care, but reforming it to allow
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greater competition and price transparency across the country. imagine a party that had a specific plans to enhance small businesses and encouraged large companies to hire more and make more investments that encouraged states to get rid of the licensing requirements that are put in place to keep out competition. political -- america would benefit greatly if the republican party were to become a substantive market oriented right of center party. for now, this remains a dream. for more go to, and read my pennsylvan"washingt column this week. let's get started. people in the united states often ask me what the world thinks of this wild presidential
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election season. well, i'm about to let you hear for yourself with four guests from arrange the world. donald trump has minced no words about this, he doesn't really care about the rest of the world or what it thinks of him. he wants to of course make america great again. russia, though, is one of the few foreign countries whose people tell pollsters they like mr. trump and that's where i'll begin my introductions. the columnist for israel's newspaper. the u.s. editor joins us from tel aviv. and a leading south african journalist and editor a the ft's chief foreign affairs columnist, he's with us from london. let me start with you, what do people make of what's going on in south africa. >> so fareed, do you know the
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south african term? it's sort of a national terms of empathy or sympathy, and i think that's what i hear most often about the american election. for me it seems like south af r africans are slightly incredulous that you could go from a figure like barack obama who's very, very well loved here to somebody like donald trump. equally incredulously, we have watched statements about the war for mexicans, the ban on muslims come into the u.s. and today statements by is. and that's the key theme i see running through it. so donald trump hugs our headlines, hillary clinton not putting in a great showing across our media and social media. >> hami, when one looks at israel, there was a kind of aborted love affair that seemed to take place between trump and either the country or its prime
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minister. he tried to support it -- you know, he talked about how strongly he supports it. >> i think the default position, not only for the prime minister, but for a majority of public opinion would be to support the republican candidate no matter who it was. and i think perhaps most of the 16 candidates who were running against donald trump, you would probably have a 70/30 majority. mainly because barack obama is not well loved in israel. but trump has throne hwn his ba into the works. he's been all over the map on issues concerning israel. i think people are starting to catch the drift of, you know, the reservations in america from him. i did hear one interesting comment and that is that somebody said there's something
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very comforting in trump for israelis, because among western carbon monoxidemonoxide -- demo. >> giddeon, when brits look at trump, do they see it as a version of brexit, in other words the people who supported brexit were also in a sense nationalists, in a sense, seemed hostile to foreigners? >> i think particular definitely some parallels, the constituency that trump is putting together in the united states, the disaffected white working class, people that are worried about immigration, capitalizing on anti-elite sentiment, were things that drove this rather unexpected vote for brexit in the uk. that's i think the tone of trump is much wilder even than the brexit dcampaign in england.
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the leader of the brexit campaign, when he went to the republican convention, he said for the first time in his life he felt left wing watching the antics of the troops at the republican convention. >> explain to us russia's love affair with trump. >> i would say primarily trump is popular here in russia because barack obama is deeply unpopular. so i mean everyone who's attacking obama would be steinly the russian population. obama is seen as a person who organized the sanctions, after russia took over crimea and these sanctions along with the growing price of war was bad for the growing population. we have a shrink iing -- the
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masses of the people believe that this is all obama's fault. and hillary clinton is seen as a kind of surrogate, continuation of obama. and trump is saying the right words about he's ready to maybe recognize russian annexation of crimea, maybe will give russia, or the rest of you cukraine as of a recognized influence. so he's believed to be maybe the good guy. >> thank you all. we'll come back. what i'm going to ask you next is what does the world think of america today and it's current president. stop...
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i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. michael hayden: if he governs consistent with some of the things he said as a candidate, i would be very frightened. gillian turner: he's been talking about the option of using a nuclear weapon against our western european allies. max boot: this is not somebody who should be handed the nuclear codes. charles krauthammer: you have to ask yourself, do i want a person of that temperament controlling the nuclear codes? and as of now, i'd have to say no. [bill o'reilly sighs] what comes to mind when you think about healthcare?o. understanding your options? or, if you're getting the care you need? at, you can find helpful information about healthcare options. leaving you more time to think about more important things. like not having to think about healthcare at all. surround yourself with healthy advantages at
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we back with our panel. giddeon. let me ask you how the world is looking at america these days, because if you look at the data, the united states has come out of this global recession better than any other country, its technology companies dominate the world, it's stock market is hitting all-time highs, it's unemployment is low. do people perceive america as back and barack obama as popular? >> well, i think obama is pretty popular in europe, i mean not at the sort of crazy levels of popularity that he was enjoying in 2008, if you'll remember even before he was elected president, he gave a speech in berlin before an ecstatic crowd of
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100,000. and since then people have discovered he cannot still walk on water. he's still popular, but not on that level. the view of america is a little bit mixed. i think that people have not totally picked up on the strength of the american economic recovery and there is a sense of, depending on who you talk to, that maybe america is backing off on its commitments around the world, could they have done more to sort out syria, could they have been a little tougher with russia and so on. >> how does it look from south africa? is america still a kind of model? i have always been struck by the fact that africans are generally quite pro american, is that more or less true today? >> i think that's true when barack obama became president, so both these inaugurations were like public holidays, and there were parties to go and watch it. especially the first one. and then barack obama, as well
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as first lady michelle obama both have very close links, so i think a very highly regarded presidency. in other places, more discerning journalists, i think there's some did appointment that guantanamo hasn't been closed for example. and that iraq and afghanistan as well as syria haven't really been brought to peace. i think the good reputation that america enjoys because of the two obamas is going to be dealt quite a plow if donald trump becomes president later this year. >> pavel, you talked about how obama is unpopular because he's been tough on russia. but in general, is america also unpopular? my sense is that russians have really lost any -- >> yeah, there's no love there.
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america is seen as the major geo political enemy, the big satan that's trying to kind of put a cold russia under, not allow russia to rise again to its normal status of superpower and so on. though at the same time, america's also to some extent envied, and basically the russian elite, they would want to be with the united states on par, kind of working a world concert. over the heads of other nations, finding quit pro quos, agreeing as they did during the cold war, the two superpowers working together keeping a new world order. so america is seen as an enemy, but at the same time, as a very important part anywhere. >> let me ask you something slightly different, because i
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say something that you said, when donald trump made his comment about the second amendment people maybe being able to do something about hillary clinton once she was in office, appointing judges. it reminded you of someone and i want you to tell us what it reminded you of? >> it reminded me of the months preceding our late prime minister's assassination. but in fact i was reminded of this atmosphere before donald trump made his comments and it first occurred to me at the gop convention in cleveland where i sat and listened and was quite dismayed by the constant cries of lock her up, lock her up and the kind of criminal indictments that were being issued from the podium and both parts of this convention were main elements that led up to rabin's assassination, when donald trump made his comment about the
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second amendment, that sort of clinched the disassociation. and it's not farfetched to assume or to think that there may be one person or two people in america who are putting all of this together and thinking to themselves that true patriots have to do something. and it's clear that that is the case, because say somebody, god forbid tried to hurt or harm hillary clinton tomorrow, i don't think anybody would be surprised. everybody would connect to it the atmosphere that exists today in the trump camp and everybody would say yes, we should have seen it coming. so i think after trump made his remarks, everybody has been forewarned. for years many people have worried about the rise of islamism in turkey. but it turns out it is a different ism they should have been worried about.
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i'll tell you what when we come back. don't forget, if you miss a show go to for a link to my i-tunes podcast. opportunities. i've got a fantastic deal for you- gold! with the right pool of investors, there's a lot of money to be made. but first, investors must ask the right questions and use the smartcheck challenge to make the right decisions. you're not even registered; i'm done with you! i can...i can... savvy investors check their financial pro's background by visiting
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now for our what in world segment. it's been a month since the attempted coup in turkey. turkey's president tayyip erdogan survived the revolt and has responded ferociously declaring a state of emergency followed by what can only be called a mass purge. more than 50,000 soldiers, police officers, judges and other civil servants have been arrested or suspended. the "new york times" broke down what a purge of this magnitude would look like in the united states. nearly 9,000 turkish police officers have been fired. which is tantamount to firing every cop in baltimore, boston, philadelphia, dallas and detroit. and to purge 21,000 teachers would belike stripping every
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third teacher in a private american elementary/high school in the united states. fethullah gulen, the muslim cleric living in exile in pennsylvania whom erdogan has accused of masterminding the coup attempt. gulen denies any involvement. i have not been able to find any evidence on one side or the other. but the size and scale of erdogan's purge is surprising and appears to be part of a pattern. erdogan came to power -- gain entry into the european union. when europe's great powers made clear that turkey would likely never be allowed into the western club, erdogan's reforms began to dry up and instead we
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began to watch a determined effort to amass power. first he turned on his long-time foes, the secularists, mainly the military, long seen as the center of government secularism. as a turkish joinist said, there was a series of witch hunts, relentless intimidation, and even confiscation of critical media outlets. and as a result turkey has become the textbook case of ill liberal democracy where ballots rule but free speech -- taken in it's entirety, what we are witnessing today is the descent of democracy. ever since erdogan's first
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political victory, some in the west have looked at turkey with cautious, suspicious eyes, wondering whether turkey, the 99.8% muslim nation, would go the way iran did in 1979. they had good reason to worry, erdogan and his party have placed an emphasis on religion and social conservatism. that's according to steven cook of the council on foreign relations. but he realizes that democracy has never been in the cards for turkey. in fact erdogan has never enacted any dremocratic laws. for erdogan it is not about religion, it is about power. erdogan is expected to call for new elections. this week erdogan visited
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russian president vladimir putin. in a way it's fitting, while the world was obsessed with erdogan's alleged islamism, what it should have feared was another ism from erdogan, a very different one. putinism. next on gps, west virginia, kentucky, tennessee, it is working class whites in these places who are the mainstay of trump's support. the appalachian still con valley author james vance will explain to us why.
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j.d. vance's book hillbilly elegy's timing could not have been better. he does an extraordinary job of unwittingly explaining something that has been puzzling most of us. what has been behind the fervor
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for donald trump across the country. it's a book that leaves you touched and enriched. let's start with that puzzle. if you look at ohio, donald trump and hillary clinton are almost neck and neck, despite all the crazy things he's done, despite everything. you were born in ohio, as it turns out. you know these people. why do they support him? >> they feel left behind in the modern american economy, and not just the economy, but the modern american way of life. they have seen many manufacturing jobs go overseas or shut down all together. they have seen coal mining jobs more difficult to come by. in the wake of that they have seen a more tough cultural crisis, fame opioid addiction rates, breakdown of family rates. so the concern is that this is the fault of people in washington, d.c. even though donald trump says a lot of outrageous things, they
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see him as the person who's taking that battle to washington, d.c. main stream. >> you were born white ang anglosaxan protestant, but you said you've come from the forgotten part of white america and your family tradition is poverty. >> right, my grand parent who is raised me grew up in eastern kentucky coal try, my grandmother got pregnant at 14 and so they moved to ohio because that's where the steal mills were. the family story as i wri about in the book has been a little bit more complex. my dad has struggled in different ways, my parents have done a little bit better at least in material terms. i think what happened that the
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people who expected in some ways that their children and their grandchildren to live much better days. but the poverty tradition, in my grandparents case going back 100, 200 years, it seems to be happening all over in the generation that they expected to do the best. >> what you're describing, your family has a symbol of these wide swathes of the white working class, who used to work in the southern slave economy, in steel mills n coal mines, stable jobs, but not particularly upwardly mobile. and almost all of these people come out of scotts-irish tradition. >> the reason i think my book, the message of it is a little bit broader ranging is just appalachian, is because the white working class is culturely mom knowledge nice, you're going
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the find people who feel the same about a whole range of issues, and part of that is because they're working in the same sorts of jobs, they have always had a confrontational view of the rich man or the elite. so i think they find themselves in this political moment feeling very similarly about a lot of issues. >> and they are suspicious of cities, cosmopolitan elite, people with a lot of education and i'm guessing therefor when they listen to a hillary clinton or a barack obama who speak in that very educated way, policy proposals, evidenced data, that's less attractive than somebody like trump who is really just not connecting at a gut level. >> that's absolutely right. i mention a lot that the way that people talk about politics around the dinner table, or at church is not the way fundamentally that most elites talk about politics. and on the one hand, it's obviously important to have people who are making policy,
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it's rooted in evidence, it's rooted in the right thinking. at the other end, you have to connect to people at an emotional level too, and i think that's something the american elites have been increasingly bad at. they sound so filtered, like everything they talking about is said through a political cons t consulta consultant. it's hard to show compassion and understanding for people that you don't know. and unfortunately one of the trends in american society is this rising residential segregation by class. so a lot of the elites in our society, whether they live in cincinnati or ohio and they're living pretty intact lives or they're in washington, d.c. and they have political power, they don't know a lot of people who are struggling in this 21st century economy. >> you talk about growing up, your own family, you have this hair raising story of your grandmother threatening to kill
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your grandfather if he gets drunk one more time and he does and she pours lighter fluid over him and actually strikes the match. >> that's right. >> one of the things i remember reading about the scots-irish, is that there's always been this tradition of violence, and almost is kind of vigilante violence, you don't report stuff to the cops, you just do stuff. >> it's funny, my sister told me a story a couple of years ago where a family had talked about their christmas presents all being stolen and they reported it to the police and one of the first comments on that thread was why did you call the police? why didn't you just deal it with yourself? so there is this vigilante justice, part of it is embedded in our -- a certain disconnect in the ways of debraving in let's say a corporate board
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room. if someone -- you're supposed to take it constructively and move on. so that cultural value needs to be developed. my initial reaction is to say if you're criticizing me, that's a personal affront. this is an important part of the story, is that cultural element of disagreement and sometimes the violence. >> and you end up at the end of the book feeling like these cultural norms and behaviors, the social pathologies of the scots-irish are -- you don't feel like there's a market fix. you feel like this a deep culture problem? >> i think there's certainly a role for government policy to play, i think the point of the book is that government can't fix everything and if you think about what i grew up around, which is this intergenerational
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family violence, this sense of helplessness that my choices didn't matter. i don't think the government can totally address those problems so the book is primarily in ways a letter to my own community, hopefully an empathetic letter, but here's some of the things we can do to make our kids lives better and i hope people will take the message to heart and see it as someone who loves this community because it's my community. >> just a fantastic book. thank you so much for coming. >> appreciate it. up next, the refirmation, the enlightenment, all changes that will affect the next big ideas. what is the next big ideas. a billionaire is spending a fortune to find out. don't forget if you miss a show, go to for a link to my i-tunes podcast.
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at book direct... and get the lowest price online i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit a month after 9/11, i got a call from david and he told me he was going into the national guard. he was sent to iraq to be a gunner on a humvee. a car pulled up in the driveway and three soldiers got out, and the sound of their boots as they came up those stairs will, will stay with me the rest of my life. you have moments when you really don't want to live anymore,
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it's a fate that i would not wish on anybody, not anybody. when i saw donald trump attack another gold star mother, i felt such a sense of outrage. ...wife, she was standing there, she had nothing to say, she probably... i would like to tell donald trump what it feels like, the sense of emptiness, that only losing a child can bring. those people should be honored and treated with kindness for the rest of their life, and i don't think that donald trump will ever understand that. priorities usa action is responsible for the contents of this advertising. ♪ ♪ only those who dare drive the world forward.
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introducing the first-ever cadillac ct6.
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nicholas is one of the richest men in the world. forbes estimated his network to be over $1.5 billion. he used to be known as the homeless billionaire. once living in luxury hotels with no permanent residence. now he's settled down in los angeles and he's spending a big chunk of his fortune to create an institute there for great thinkers, to consider the great issues of our time, such as the impact of technology on society. he's called the endeavor, a secular monastery, and among his part pants are former heads of state like tony blair and billionaire technologyists. nicholas, pleasure to have you on. >> thank you, fareed, slighted.
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. >> about ten years ago, you decided a point at which you had made enormous amounts of money, that you wanted to educate yourself about ideas, about philosophy, you've hired professors from ucla to tutor you. why were you doing that? >> it comes back to my teenage years, i was interested in politics and philosophy, because i really felt that ideas shaped two he are, and i still feel that way. so i went back to trying to learn what does the world of politics, and the world of ideas look like, but not just western, but also eastern. and that's why i spend time with these professors from ucla and that re-enforced my view that ideas make the world and they make also politics and by not only learning, but then by
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investing in the world of ideas, in the world of new ideas, i could not only learn something for me, but hopefully krib9. >> so you like many billionaires have pledged that you're going to give away most of your money, but what's unusual, is that you're giving away the vast majority of it and this is hundreds of millions of dollars to fund ideas. there's no hospital wings with your name attached. you want to fund ideas. why? >> because at the end of the day, they shape us more than anything else. hospitals are very important, luckily lots of people are doing it. but we are still shaped today by confucius, by jesus christ, by carl marx, for good or for bad. but people who made a difference in terms of our culture, in terms of who we are as humans,
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our lives, our personal and political lives. and i do think we need new thinking. i feel strongly that in this world where politics and conventional politics are being challenged, especially in the west, i don't think the answers are going to come just from political rethinking, but really from new concepts as to what it means to be a human and what it means to have an occupation in the future. >> so explain all this has come to fruition now with a center, a prize. describe what you are doing. >> we created an institute fife years ago, in addition to reward the importance of ideas, we're going to have a philosophy prize, similar to a nobel prize, but in this case for philosophy, so we'll have a yearly million dollar philosophy prize to
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really underline how important ideas are and thinkers are. >> and at the center, we'll have a $500 million endowment above the getty center in los angeles, so this is very large, very grand and what do you hope will come out of it? >> well, i'm not sure it will be grand itself, but the ambition is grand, for sure. and this is not a lonely project, it's a project that's been done with lots of people who are great thinkers and who have been great leaders, so it's really empowering, more thinking, and empowering these people to come together and to produce good works. so that's really the idea. >> and do you now spend most of your time on this, on funding ideas, or are you still act c/b
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ten challenge -- an active hedge fund manager? >> that's your answer to socrates question of life. next on gps, a novel idea, a way to use drones to save lives instead of ending them. across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley,
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california's clean air laws we've cut toxic pollution. we're seeing fewing cases of asthma in kids. and the new clean energy economy has created more than half a million jobs. i'm tom steyer. just when we're making progress, the oil companies are trying to weaken our clean air laws. but we can stop them. send them a message. we're going to protect our kids - not their profits. ♪
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today marks the anniversary of the passage of the social security act. here's what franklin roosevelt said after signing it into law with great fanfare. >> we can never insure 100% of the population against the hazar hazards, but we can give some measure of protection to the average citizen and his family against the loss of a job and against poverty stricken old ages. >> in the iconic photographs of the signing, only one woman is present. who is that woman?
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mary harris, mother jones, eleanor roosevelt, hattie wyatt c carrawa? we'll have the answer in a few moments. hillbilly's elegy is an unvarnished picture of america's white working class. all in all it's rare to have someone with a sympathetic understand of his world and this is really what's special about this wonderful book. loyal viewers of our show might remember a story we did a couple of years ago on the mind cafon. this ball like structure looks like art, but is actually a wind powered land mine clearing device. the ball rolls around land mine danger areas, until boom, it
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finds one and blows itself up. now it's creator has just launched a kick starter campaign for his newest invention, the mind cafon drone. here's how it works. the drone flies above a dangerous area, generates a 3-d map with a built in aerial mapping season, uses it's pinpointing system to locate the land mine, and blows it up. the drone is cipher, up to 20 times faster and 200 times cheaper than traditional d-mining methods. the project has already exceeded it's $3,000 goal. it's team all over the world will finish the prototype and
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begin testing it in the field. according to the united nations, more than ten people are injured or killed every day from land mines or other such explosiveses. over 89 countries are affected by land mines. the team believes that this invention has the capability to clear all the land mines in the world in as little as ten years. the correct answer to our gps challenge question is d, francis perkins, she was actually the first-ever female cabinet secretary. when she was once asked if she ever found her gender to be a handy cap, she quipped that it only bothered her in climbing trees. it would be a few years before the second female cabinet member was named. she was named secretary of the u.s. department of health, education and welfare.
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if you miss any show, check out our podcast at thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week, and i will see you next week. hey, good morning, i'm brian stelter, and this is ""reliable sources."" our look at the story behind the story, of how news and pop culture get made. at this hour, is this cause and effect. donald trump is slipping in crucial swing state polls and he's attacking the media like never before. is he rewriting the art of the deal with the art of the blame? and at trump rallies, some of the hostilities towards journalists is really shocking. it covering trump and being at these rallies has her worried about her personal safety. and a change at fox